Still struggling to survive every hour of the day in the face of never-ending school closures?
What if the way to cut the “I’m bored!” and “I’m hungry!” and “MOMMMMMEEEEE!!!!!”
didn’t require 4,972 Pinned mommy blogs, hour-by-hour color coded schedules, or enough screen time to require a private server?
The secret to a calm “home-all-day “where your kids don’t need you every 3rd millisecond:
Let’s be real.
You’re not trying to replace the full March-April–May curriculum here.
You’re not even trying to get through the day with a floor that shines like the top of the Chrysler building.
And after investing serious time into engaging, educational activities, you’ve earned the right to nip to the bathroom without the background music of “WHERE ARE YOU???? I NEED TO EAT! RIGHT NOW!”
Help with cleanup shouldn’t be the stuff of Mary Poppins.
“I’m bored!!!” shouldn’t be the most frequently uttered words in your home.
And the constant whining and grumbles and fighting should be replaced with smiling, playful children who just 2 months ago would’ve given an arm and a leg for this newfound freedom.

The 4 reasons
you’re getting nothing done,
the days are endless,
and your kids are still cranky and bored
#1: You’re stuck in school mode
Structure sounds wonderful – and you know your kids need it. But home is not school. And even homeschoolers aren’t stuck inside alone all day.
If you’re going to survive this, you need to reassess what’s working in your schedule – relax some rules and live outside the box.
#2: You’re deciding for your kids
You are the authority. You should be in charge. But if you’re giving them everything, they’ll never feel safe enough to go off on “their own.” So you’ll keep meeting their demands… and they’ll keep feeling unfulfilled.
#3: You’re overwhelmed
Duh, right? But when you can’t focus on the kids, they feel it. And worse, when you do focus on them physically, but not mentally… they still feel it. They need you to drop everything… but… how?
#4: You think you just need more self care
Stuffing down chocolate while they bang down the door doesn’t help. But when your kids start feeling safe and confident, they’ll give you space… which gives you energy… which is the best kind of self care there is.
The good news is that millions of families are happily home with their kids all year round.
The even better news is that you’re (usually) a loving parent and your kids are (usually) good kids.
If you’ve made it this far, you know that all the worksheets and crafts in the world won’t move your kids from boredom to freedom.
And you know that if you can just move your kids out of bored mode, you’ll be able to survive this school closure.
But what you probably don’t know is that when you give your kids the safety to explore and self-direct their time:
You’ll turn this anxious, frustrating period of time into an amazing period of time.
Where you’ll bond and grow as a family.
Where you’ll explore and laugh and learn. That they’ll remember all starry eyed in years to come.
Yes, that’s really in your reach.
Whether you love getting on the floor to make massive Lego structures or you hate the very fiber of those tiny foot injuring pieces.
Whether you have 1 kid or 10.
Whether you’re working from home or working on housework.
But. Getting there does depend on your willingness to redefine what structure and guidance mean to your child.
But before we get into that, it’s high time I introduced myself:
I’m Nikki, homeschooling mom of three, and owner of a consulting business that services multi-million dollar companies.
I started our homeschooling journey armed with enough activities to make a mommy blogger jealous… but quickly realized that’s not the way to keep the kids occupied (or me from tearing my hair out).
We’re living across the world from our families… I don’t have cleaning help… my business is very demanding. I don’t have the energy and headspace to sit with my kids, doing workbooks all day long.
And yet, they’re happy, learning, and thriving.
I know soooooo deeply that if I can do this, you can too.
Which is why I’m really excited to
introduce you to:

The program I just built specifically to support and guide your family through this period of uncertainty and chaos.
To help your children tap into their innate creativity.
To help you turn this into an opportunity to explore their world with a different lens.
The 3 ways I’ll hold your hand
through this craziness:
high-impact, "easy to consume while the kids are about" video trainings – breaking down exactly how to foster your children's learning independence... and navigate their resistance
45-minute Q+As that will help you apply the theories and tactics to your unique family and circumstances. Because no family is the same. And parenting is HARD.
active, virtual community to share resources, explore ideas – and vent, of course. And to motivate you to actually do the work :)
I set up the community in Slack because – unlike Facebook – Slack is ORGANIZED. So you can find exactly what you need – and ignore what isn’t relevant. Like say, toddler activities, when you’ve got a 7th grader.
Unlike WhatsApp, you can open resources and save links – without emailing them to yourself first.
And… if you’re shy, you can use a pen name.
Communities that are set up well help you:
- get your questions answered
- find resources,
- clarify exactly what you should be doing,
- vent less and celebrate more
- make the changes and do. the. work.

PLUS: Get a handle on your emotions with fast-action bonus masterclass by Nechama Finkelstein LCSW of Moodmaker
Nechama is one of the most real people I know – and her education is straight up intimidating. She’s been trained by some of the biggest names in mental health (Dr. Adam Payne, anyone?) and she KNOWS HER STUFF.
But what makes Nechama super unique is she doesn’t just know the DBT stuff. She knows what it’s like to be a mom.
Put those two things together and you have a SUPER practical, SUPER tactical masterclass that will put you in the driver’s seat of your emotions.
Even when the kids are totally bonkers.
This training is SUPER valuable.
Which is why you can only access it if you join The Home Front – fast.
You have until midnight on May 6th to get access. Wait until the 7th and you’ll miss out on her amazing strategies.
(Seriously. They’re amazing. I took SO many notes.)
PLUS: Get your work-work done with a bonus lesson on “how I work with my kids home all day”
If you’re suddenly working from home – with little co-workers who interrupt Zooms and constantly pepper your focus time with questions on your food supplies… you’ll love this one:
How I service my multi-million dollar clients… run the admin… and enjoy my work – even though my kids are home all day
$410 of value for…
Move that extra entertainment budget into your health and happiness budget and enroll now.
The Home Front is perfect for you if:
By now you know that the way to cut the fighting and chaos is not by frantically printing worksheets or prepping messy multi-step projects.
If you’re..
…then I look forward to supporting you in
The Home Front.
Many moms will say no to this help.
- Arm themselves with coffee cups and “educational” apps…
- Drag themselves through every painful minute…
- Pray for the day the schools will reopen their doors…
- And tuck this period of time away into the “traumatized, don’t go there” part of their brain.