You’ve planned… and mapped…
and written the sequence 

And it’s doing… okay…

But your product is anything but okay – and it hurts the blood, sweat and coffee you’ve poured into it all to see anyone less than the entire world adopting. 

But it’s also really hard to look at your email sequence with fresh, objective eyes. 

So don’t ;) 

Hand it over to me and I’ll reengineer your sequence for results.


Enough talk – let’s take a peek at how it’s done 

Here’s a webinar showup sequence I was asked to optimize:

Did I start optimizing immediately? Nopitty nope.
I spotted a few opportunities and added 2 emails –
1 variation of
an existing email
and 1 standalone
if/then email.

Only then did I dig into the copy.

Here are some highlights:

The Initial Invite


The initial invite didn’t have a hook, so I added one that centered on both the hype of the product (it’s really cool) and some objections the webinar would answer.

There also wasn’t a clear enough why should I care in the body. The new hook I added started that ball rolling – and I changed the rest of the body to dig into exactly what readers could expect and why that was important to them. 
Also: The subject line variations weren’t variant enough for a proper test so I kept the style of one (but flipped it to focus on the reader)  and changed the B version to an “open loop” style subject. 

Here’s your discount

The “here’s your discount” email was just that – here’s your discount. Not very memorable, and definitely not very persuasive.
It also presented two conflicting CTAs (watch the replay and buy the product with the coupon) – a violation of the Rule of One and essentially, a distraction.
Because we were no longer driving hard towards the replay – and because no one shows up to replays anyway – I provided a short recap within the email which served to answer some objections and present the benefits.
Because the purchase was the true metric we were optimizing for, I moved the replay CTA down – and couched it as the lead in for the “buy the product” CTA.
Because the purchase was the true metric we were optimizing for, I moved the replay CTA down – and couched it as the lead in for the “buy the product” CTA.

Discount expiration

Similar to the initial discount email, the discount expiration email just presented the bare bone facts.
I wrote the new version to meet some really strong objections. Objection meeting is a bit scary – we tend to want to keep things hush hush, hoping users won’t notice – but if the objections are there anyway, it’s a strong place to be – to meet and then explain away that objection.
I also set up the decision emotionally – providing safety and encouragement for (a rather big) purchase.
Finally, I decided to split test the subject line because depending on the audience, coupon expiration is enough to get opens.

Cool stuff, Nikki. Your expertise is exactly what my sequence needs.

Cool stuff indeed.

Here’s how we fix your sequence:

You’ll fill out a brief questionnaire that gets me up to speed with your product and market – so I can assess your sequence against your business’s unique landscape.

Then we meet to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and everything else surrounding your sequence and its success (or lack thereof).

Within 10 days, you’ll get new emails, laid out all nicely in a GDoc – and a video walkthrough explaining exactly what we’re accomplishing with the changes. You’ll then have 7 days to share with your team and submit comments.

Chose the ESP input option? Within a week, the emails will be inputted – links and tags and segments and everything – and all you’ll have to is turn the thing live.

PLUS: 30-90 days after we go live, we’ll meet for a post mortem.

We would never have been able to get here on our own. Looking at the end result, we can see so clearly why we hired you. 

David Christopher,
Director of Marketing and Growth, Tailwind